Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Great deals at Albertsons!

I got some really great deals at Albertsons this week! They were running a promotion where if you purchased $10 in selected various products, they would take $3 off your total right away. The deal was made sweeter when Sunday's paper arrived on my doorstep and had 3 coupon doublers in it. Naturally I obtained as many of these as I could without seeming obnoxious. I ended up with 3 copies of the ad which allowed me 9 coupon doublers up to $1 each. The trick was I had to separate my transactions into 3 because you were only allowed 3 doublers per order. So here's what I ended up with.

8 Easy Mac Individual Serving Cups
1 Capri Sun Sunrise Drink
2 Bagelful Frozen Bagels
4 Kraft BBQ Sauces
1 Kraft Ranch Bacon Salad Dressing
4 Kraft Mayo Squeezable
3 Kraft Miracle Whip Squeezeable
2 Bar-S Bun Length Hot Dogs

Between all 3 of my transactions, I used all 9 of my doublers which took off $9 and received $9 off because of the promotion. I also had $19 in coupons. The sale prices for all of my items was $37.

Here's the math $37 - $9 promotion = $28 - $19 coupons = $9 - $9 doublers = $0

There was tax on the Capri Sun drink so I paid a total OOP of $.04 for all of the above listed items. WHOO HOO!!

We are officially stocked up now of BBQ sauce and Mayo/Miracle Whip for awile.


Angie said...

You go girl! Nothing like a great deal to make my day.

mom2nji said...

Its a great buzz isnt it? I love getting great deals! I dream of any kind of coupons!

Lisa said...

Wow! That's quite a haul.